Ello Pinkies, had some downtime, got bored, decided to attempt the ludicrous notion of making a healing guide for ALL classes (Yowzers!). The idea came from a number of reasons, but mainly because we either have peeps trying healing for the first time, or some “oldis” coming back and yelling “WTF happened to my mana!”
At the very least, it’s a place to swap ideas, theory craft, /ignore, or call me a noob (yea, i no that’s coming). I will attempt to keep it short, but will inevitable sometimes vague, as healing is a lot (i feel) about personal feel and taste, yet the basics are here.
This is a constant work-in-progress, and guide only, hopefully something will be learned from this, but sooner or later you are just going have to go out there and get your hand dirty healing!
1) ALL Healers (...and in order of my strength of knowledge...)
2) Holy Priest
3) Discipline Priest
4) Restoration Druid
5) Restoration Shaman
6) Holy Paladin
1)ALL Healers:
Early-geared peeps should spec in this order; 1) Mana saving/comebacks, 2) Dispelling, 3)Improved Healing on common used spells, 4) Improve rarer spells/Utilities. Of course there can be exceptions to this rule, but you will learn them, expect to respect a few times before you get comfortable, as it never hurts to try different specs out. Suggested sources to look at specs; Dizzyvix/Laralina(priest), Eridea(shaman), Zonthor (druid), Scarlie(paladin) name just a few.
Mana is NOT your friend, with peeps dying now having this extra enemy to battle. Basically avoid overhealing (unless have imba regen), and tbh I spend more time looking (and tutting) at my Overhealing Metre than anything else.
Overhealing = wasted mana = Possible OoM = Possible Wipe.
Way’s to avoid this is use the cheaper heals and avoid the expensive ones. Yea, sounds simple, but that super fast heal u can spam at tremendous speeds is so, so, tempting! (Just watch your mana disappear from a Flash Heal/Regrowth/Healing Surge/Flash of Light spam)
Use your mana CD’s like Innervate, Shadowfiend and that Shaman know the one!
Let the dps standing in the fire DIE!!!
Apart from mana, Healers appear to have three single target spells in common, each having the similar cast time (after talents), and roughly the same mana cost and healing done.
“Mr Efficient”
“Big Daddy”
2) Holy Priest:
Should slip into a Chakra state depending on the situation, Serenity = tank healing (dungeons largely), Sanctuary = mass healing (raid healing largely), Chastise = Dps (Special bosses like Chimereon).
The different Chakra state buffs the spells in the above areas, either increasing damage, aoe healing spells like Prayer of Healing, Circle of Healing and even Renew (during the very occasion HoT spam), or single target effectiveness (including the ability to refresh Renew and thus potentially enabling Renews to last an entire raid boss fight...although i’ve never done that, as their r always moments where raid healing becomes more of a focus and their no time u can lose the Renew and have to recast).
Renew on Tanks (but only spam raid f your mana can sustain it...and only during times of high mobility)
Prayer of Mending on tank (plus a fast way to get into Chakra: sanctuary). Prayer of Mending should be kept on CD (so long as it’s gone through its 5 charges) and is a unique and potentially powerful smart heal (not quite got the hang of keeping this up enough yet).
Circle of Healing is the 1st go2 in a raid/party damage situation, followed by a short and controlled Prayer of Healing spam (don’t go mental with it to avoid over healing - particularly if PoH glyphed and your mastery).
Guardian Spirit is a 3min CD (2.5 if glyphed) “Oh Shit!”
Power Word: Shield should be avoided generally, particularly if a disc priest is in the raid, as it leaves a weakened soul debuff preventing the disc priests more powerful shields being cast on that target. However, the 60% speed boost from Body and Soul Holy talent is a must have and should be used to help players kiting/fleeing damaging attacks (like Atramades breath). It’s not an essential 2-point talents, but can be used on yourself in other situations, enabling you to move fast and get back to castings your heals sooner once safe. [There is talk of nerfing Body and soul 2 only 25% speed
Holy Word: Serenity/Sanctuary are special heals that can be used in their Chakra state. Serenity should be kept on CD and used on the tank as increases crit chance of other heals. The Sanctuary is a healing patch on the ground that requires a lot of mana and thus should be used situationaly during high raid damage spikes. It is far from my favourite spell (in fact I dislike the whole idea) but can be extremely effective – just don’t expect the same results as the Shamans.
Binding Heal can be incredibly useful spell (and somewhat negates the need to get Desperate prayer) as heals you and your target at the same time, with a speedy 1.5sec casting time. It is an efficient heal so long as there is no overhealing on you and your target and procs Serendipity that reduces the mana cost and cast time of your big spells like Greater heal and PoH.
Surge of Light is 2-point talent that enables your heals to proc a free, instant cast, Flash heal. The proc is quite low (6%) but now can be proced by most of your single-target heals. I personally find this useful to have to help top up anyone for free and out of the danger zone of low health. It is also another good way to get serendipity (do not flash heal without surge of light just to get serendipity, it’s not worth it)
Divine Hymn is your 8min CD raid “oh Shit!” and should be used and fully channelled...its imba.
Hymn of Hope is a mana regen, but be careful, u have to channel it and you’re not healing. Cancel the channel if needed to save peeps during unexpected damage. The spell temporarily increases your mana pool, so trigger this just after triggering your Shadowfiend for maximum mana regen. It’s possible to restore roughly 70% of your mana with these two effects.
Lightwell – last, but no means least – is simply imba!
Intellect > Spirit (until comfortable with regen, but Holy Priests get more regen from this than any other healing class) > Haste (until 12.5% = extra Renew tick) > Mastery (a direct healing % bonus) > Haste (after 12.5%) > Crit (Reforge it pronto into Spirit/Haste/Mastery).
An additional note on haste, a 16.67% haste will be soon desired (either in Heroic epics or in tier 12 when this is possible without neglecting mastery) as this will add an additional tick to Lightwell...yummy!
[In truth mastery is a little less desired in 10man’s i’ve discovered, the mastery HoT is about 40% of all my overhealing, so haste may be more desired. However, I gear for 25man, and this is the guilds main focus.]
Prime = Lightwell and Prayer of Healing are a must, personally I go for Renew healing bonus, but Guardian Spirit reduced CD is also a good choice.
Major = Circle of Healing and Prayer of Mending are a must, i then go for Dispel magic.
Minor = Shadowfiend and any other is fine, but try not to let your fiend should rarely die now.
Talents – Must haves:
Discipline: Twin Disciplines, mental Agility.
Holy: Impr.Renew, Empow.healing, Divine Fury, Inspiration, Divine Touch, Holy Concentration, Lightwell, Serendipity, Body and Soul, Chakra, Revelations, Test of Faith, Circle of Healing, Guardian Spirit.
Talents – Optional:
• Surge of Light: personally I like this talent, enabling a hand free and instant flash heal occasionally, that helps proc Serendipity, but Surge of Light proc is not common, only 6% per single target heal.
• Desperate Prayer: Personally I see self healing best used through the use of Binding Heal, as it procs Serenditiy, this heal does not.
• Tome of Light: Reduces CD of Holy Words Serenity and more importantly, Sanctuary by 30%, however, even though I often pick this talent, i’m unsure of its worth still, and is more useful in dungeons than raids.
• Rapid Renewel: Avoid renew spams as it will eat mana and cannot be sustained, in raids, once your mana regen can support this, it can be usefull for short spam periods with high movement.
• Spirit of redemption: Its advantages in raids are very rare, but I would get this just on the chance that it could help avoid those 1% wipes.
• State of Mind: Reduces the CD of Chakra and is one of the talents I am unsure about, so far I have gone without, but I suggest you experiment and see for yourself.
• Darkness (Shadow): Haste is always helpful, and if your mana regen is fine then it is worth having all 3 points in this.
• Veiled Shadow (Shadow): This will not help on every raid boss fight, but will often help you until you have high mana regen to last the longer fights.
Basics (Dungeon):
1) Prayer of Mending on Tank before the pull (and Power Word: Shield optionally) followed by Renew just after the pull.
2) Chakra + Heal Tank to get into Chakra: Serenity (in a raid you will spend 90% of your time in Chakra: Sanctuary – easiest way to activate is with PoM on step 1)
3) Heal “spam” Tank, with Greater heal if damage starts to get ahead of Heal, in an emergency use Guardian Spirit if tank takes unexpected and dangerously high damage that could kill.
4) Refresh Renew + PoM.
5) If an individual takes damage, bounce Heal/Greater heal back and forth from tank 2 individual, Renew an individual if tank is requiring a lot of healing focus. Throw Circle of Healing out if 2+ take some mild damage(tank will also get a heal of course), and gradually to up their health.
6) “Oh shit, Party damage!” = Circle of healing + Prayer of Healing (Place Lightwell on Boss fights). If thing get real messy, trigger Divine Hymn.
3) Discipline Priest:
Power Word: Shield should be placed upon the tank(s) and absorbs incredible amounts of damage, but is too costly to spam on the raid to any great amount – although times of high mobility or end fight raid damage may be desirable for a spam. Personally I do not reduce this spells CD to less than 2sec (only 1 talent point spent in Soul Warding) as shields provide a 14% haste buff making a shield/cast/shield rotation very effective...just don’t shield 2 much folks.
The main benefit of the Shield however is to proc Rapture, a 7% of your mana pool back when a shield pops, but this cannot occur more than every 12secs. Weakened Soul debuff from the shield stops re-shielding for 15seconds, however, a single talent point in Strength of Soul enable direct heals(not penance) to reduce the debuff by 2secs per cast and can help make rapture procing more predictable. Shields should be re-applied asap as the weakened soul debuff provides a 10% crit bonus.
[Note: The only 1-talent point in Shield Warding and Strength of Soul single point is just how I find it works best for me, these r optional ideas i’m throwing out here, so test it n’see.]
Atonement, Evangelism and Archangel are technically an optional talents, but personally I see no better place to spend the 5 points in the 1st and 2nd discipline tiers. Only 3 points spring to mind (6% mana save on instant spells + getting shield to 1sec CD) and this seems poor compared 2 Evangelisms mana reductions to smite and penance) and the option trigger Archangel, which increases healing by 15%, restores 5% mana and has only a 30sec CD.
You get Evangelism by casting Smite, which through Atonement bounces a “smart” heal onto the lowest health player within 15 yards. Its functions similar to that of a Heal spell – and thus I never cast Heal – but is slightly faster 2 cast (2sec Pre-haste). You stack this upto 5, then just smite every 10-15 secs to keep Evangelism up, or use Archangel during moments of high damage. Prayer of Healing, your spammable aoe friend will love Archangel, as the larger the heal, the larger the Divine Aegis “bubbles” will be.
You won’t always get the best out of Smiting, sometimes it’s just downright impossible during high tank damage fights where its heal just won’t do enough. Don’t be afraid to pop Archangel even before 5 stacks, it all helps and the CD is so short it really doesn’t matter.
Divine Aegis are a 30% of the heal “bubble” that appears from any heal that critically hits, or from ALL Prayer of Healing spells. In truth, the days of “Shield Spamming” are not completely over, as thanks to PoH Bubbles you can cover a large part of raid if you get your timing right before predictable damage. Watch DBM timers for those aoe damages, or even watch the boss, many have “tells”. Divine Aegis only lasts 12 seconds, so timing is everything, but a shield before PoH can help in order gain its haste buff. [In 4.1 the durations appears to be being increased to 15 seconds]
Power Infusion is an extra speed boost and mana reduction on a 2min CD, that can be used as a “Oh Shit!”
Inner Focus is a buff that should be kept on its 45 sec CD as much as possible, and used with Greater Heal or (and my favourite use on) Prayer of healing, as it makes the spell free and with a 25% crit bonus. An option 2 points of talents can be put in Train of Thought, it allowes Smite to reduce the already short CD of penance, but more importantly enables Greater heals (something you will use alot on tanks to reduce the CD of Inner Focus by 5secs per cast. Essentially enabling amazing mana efficiency while almost spamming a large expensive heal.
I should note that I have less mana problems as discipline (thanks to Rapture, Inner Focus and Archangel) than I do with Holy, which has nothing like these awesome mana providers/savers.
Penance is an imba single target spell, a channelled heal that can save lives and is on a short CD, use it so. It is generally used on a tank, but thanks to multi-grace this can be throw about as desired to save individuals without the old risk of loosin your stacks of Grace on the tank. Grace is a direct 8% healing buff and can stack three times and lasts 15seconds – try to keep this up on tank(s) as much as possible.
Renew on Tanks (but should not be a high priority to keep the HoT up 100% of the time like Holy).
Prayer of Mending on tank (plus a fast way to get into Chakra: sanctuary). Prayer of Mending should be kept on CD (so long as it’s gone through its 5 charges) and is a unique and potentially powerful smart heal (not quite got the hang of keeping this up enough yet).
Pain Suppression is a 3min CD “Oh Shit!”
Binding Heal can be incredibly useful spell as heals you and your target at the same time, with a speedy 1.5sec casting time. It is an efficient heal so long as there is no overhealing on you and your target.
Surge of Light is 2-point talent that enables your heals to proc a free, instant cast, Flash heal. The proc is quite low (6%) but now can be proced by most of your single-target heals and smite. I personally find this very useful to have to help top up anyone for free and out of the danger zone of low health.
Divine Hymn is your 8min CD raid “oh Shit!”
Hymn of Hope is a mana regen, but be careful, u have to channel it and you’re not healing. Cancel the channel if needed to save peeps during unexpected damage. The spell temporarily increases your mana pool, so trigger this just after triggering your Shadowfiend for maximum mana regen. It’s possible to restore roughly 70% of your mana with these two effects.
Intellect > Spirit (until comfortable with regen) > Haste > Crit > Mastery (bonus shield/aegis strength), however, the last three can be fairly balanced.
Prime = Penance is a must. Optional are Prayer of Healing, Power Word: Shield, Power Word: barrier. I personally don’t like the barrier glyph, as it is extremely situational and Barrier has a short duration. When this glyph was first conceived, barrier had a 25sec duration, then it was a must, now, i’d say personal choice or something to glyph for particular fights (Maloriak and Chimereon for example)
Major = Divine Accuracy (18% hit for Smite) and Prayer of Mending are a must, optional glyphs are Dispel magic and Smite (if you really want to maximise that Atonement healing, just remember, Holy Fire DoT will only be up half the time if kept on CD and can miss – unlike the Smite, but this looks like it may change in patch 4.1, Divine Accuracy Glyph affecting both Smite and Holy Fire)
Minor = Shadowfiend and any other is fine, but try not to let your fiend should rarely die now.
Talents – Must haves:
Discipline: Impr.PW:Shield, Twin Discipline, Evangelism, Archangel, Renewed Hope, Power Infusion, Atonement, Inner Focus, Rapture, Borrowed Time, Divine Aegis, Pain Suppression, Grace, PW: Barrier.
Holy: Empow.Healing, Divine Fury, Inspiration.
Talents – Optional:
• Mental Agility: At 1st this may look like a must have to get all 3 points in, and in early dungeon gear that is true, however your instant spells are few and not that common – PW: Shield and Renew are tank heals, along with PoM. The 1st point gives a 4% reduction, the next 2 only 3%.
• Soul Warding: This is not Wrath, you no longer spam Shields even in good raiding gear, but could be useful during times of high mobility or short damage where you have to throw everything out. Personally I get just 1 point in this, making sure that I can Shield (get 14% haste buff), cast a heal, then shield again, but I am not set in stone on this choice if my regen begins to enable short bursts of shield spamming. In 10man’s, getting 2 in soul warding looks more useful. [In 4.1 the duration of PW: Shield looks to be being reduced to 15seconds – so even less reason to try spamming it]
• Strength of Soul: You can skip this, but a single point (max) can be useful, reducing weakened soul by 2secs per cast heal, enables more predictable rapture procs and more shields (very useful on single-tank fights and dungeons).
• Train of Thought: You will cast Greater heal and Smite alot, so you will see alot of CD reductions (particularly to the ubber powerful Inner Focus – do not underestimate its mana savings and healing bonus through more critting)
• Surge of Light (Holy): Discipline have few instant heals, relying on shield and then casting a heal, and the proc is more common than u might think, as you single target heal and smite alot (getting more from this than Holy Priests).
• Darkness (Shadow): Haste is always helpful, and is an option if you need more haste.
• Veiled Shadow (Shadow): This will not help on every raid boss fight, but will often help if you have some mana problems. However, I find disc very mana efficient with rapture and other mana saving tools, so these points may be better spent elsewhere.
Basics (Dungeon):
1) Prayer of Mending on Tank followed by Power Word: Shield before the pull, Renew Tank during early Pull damage and on Boss fights (but don’t worry about constant refresh, renew is just an added bonus heal)
2) Smite “spam” Tank’s target, with Penance (or Greater heal is Penance on CD) on tank if damage starts to get ahead of Atonement, in an emergency use Pain Suppression if tank takes unexpected and dangerously high damage.
3) Refresh Power Word: Shield + PoM (+Renew if needed)
4) If a ranged individual takes damage, bounce Heal/Greater heal back and forth from tank 2 individual (Penance can be used but is best kept on the tank), Power Word: Shield them if health dangerously low.
5) “Oh shit, Party damage!” = Trigger Archangel +Prayer of Healing (use Power Word: Barrier if group stacked). If thing get real messy, trigger Divine Hymn.
4) Restoration Druid:
Lifebloom is your a cheap HoT heal that can be stacked three times and kept up on your tank as much as possible. If it drops, don’t panic, no doubt you got distracted elsewhere with your heals, but the big “bloom” heal at the end of the heal will top the tank up and give you time to reapply the Lifebloom stacks. To keep Lifebloom up without having to recast, simply cast a direct heal on the tank with the help of the Empowered Touch 2-talents. Preferably cast Nourish, secondly Healing Touch, to keep that Lifebloom is your main safety margin and kinda a passive “Oh Shit!”
Omen of Clarity is 2-point talent that enables your Lifebloom to proc a free castable heal and should be used at all times with Healing Touch or Regrowth. This buff will pro a lot, especially during Tree of Life and makes rolling them lifeblooms even cheaper to maintain.
Wild Growth is the 1st go2 in a raid/party damage situation, enabling you to top up the group quite steadily and efficiently.
Rejuvenation was once the most spammed HoT in the game, now it is just too expensive to maintain constantly. Generally it’s good to put on the tank during the start of pulls and on bosses for extra time to get them cast heals out – it can also be swiftmended, but try not to swiftmend sparingly.
Regrowth is the “Speedy” Druid Heal, and should be used sparingly like all heals of this type. However, the heal leaves a short 6 second HoT which can be exploited, enabling with the help of a Omen of Clarity proc to leave a mana free HoT that can be Swiftmended quickly and thus place a patch of Efflorescence – an healing patch on the ground.
Nature’s Swiftness can be a life saver 3min CD, allowing you to make a Healing Touch instant. At the very least, macro this to the Healing Touch spell, it can save tanks.
Nature’s Cure is a 1-point talent that enables druids to finally remove magic effects and is a must have, it is often cheaper on your mana to dispel DoT’s than try and heal through them (this isn’t wrath).
Tree of Life is your raid 3min CD “Oh Shit!”
Tranquillity is your 8min CD raid “oh Shit!”
Innervate is your mana regeneration CD, and should be popped at around 70% mana so it can be used 2 or 3 times during a raid boss fight. This can also be glyphed to heal your target, plus an a 50% innervate on yourself (I would hope that all Boomkins have this glyphed as well)
Intellect > Spirit (until comfortable with regen, as Druids don’t get as much as they used to from this stat) > Haste (See Mikki’s post on extra ticks from haste on the link below, i think 20% haste self-buffed is a good target) > Mastery > Crit (Reforge it pronto into Spirit/Haste).
Prime = Lifebloom, Rejuvenation and Swiftmend.
Major = Wild Growth and Rebirth are a must. Innervate is preferred for raids, but Healing Touch is a little better for dungeons, as it helps reduce the CD of Natures Swiftness.
Minor = Unburdened Rebirth is a must, the others are optional.
Talents – Must haves:
Feral: Furor
Restortaion: Natural Shapeshifter, Naturalist, Heart of the Wild, Master Shapeshifter, Impr.Rejuvenation, Living Seed, Revitalize, Empowered Touch, Malfurion’s Gift, Efflorescence, Wild Growth, Nature’s Cure, Gift of the Earthmother, Tree of Life.
Talents – Optional:
• Blessing of the Grove: Improves your Rejuvenations by a small 4% for 2 points, and personally just not worth the talent points for a spell you can no longer spam.
• Natures Swiftness: An instant cast, particularly because of the cat time of your big heals, is very desirable and only 1 point.
• Nature’s Bounty: Increases crit of Regrowth by a big margin, plus reduces Nourish cast if when have 3 rejuv’s up – which i suspect is very difficult to sustain, but may be a very nice 3 point talent in good raid gear with no real mana problems. I mostly avoid in starter dungeon gear, and am somewhat undecided on it in general, as im not sure the maintainance in time (even with Swift Rejuvenation) and mana to keep 3 rejuv’s up is worth a second of Nourish, a spell used only when healing is moderate at best. If this talent also effected Healing Touch, then it would be a must have, I feel.
• Swift rejuvenation: Spamming Rejuv is rare and expensive, but in good raid gear this may be desirable, particularly if paired with the advantages of Nature’s Bounty.
• Nature’s Grace (Balance): Regrowth is a rarely used heal, but the 15% haste for 15seconds is useful (1min CD), but is a must have if getting to balance tier2.
• Nature’s Majesty (Balance): A nice 4% crit, on its own not amazing, but gets you to tier 2 if you wish to get there.
• Genesis (Balance): Tempting to put 2 points here to increase HoTs and swiftmend by 4%, but if mana is a problem, put in Moonglow.
• Moonglow (Balance): A nice 6% mana reduction of your heals is a must in early dungeon and possibly raiding.
Basics (Dungeon):
1) Begin stacking Lifebloom on the tank just before the pull and stack to 3, followed by Rejuvenation during early stages of a pull/bosses to help keep ahead of the damage.
2) Nourish “spam” the Tank, with Healing Touch on tank if damage starts to get ahead of Nourish, both will keep those Lifeblooms rolling for free (the bloom heal and the option to swiftmend the Rejuvenation HoT is your safety margin if you get stunned/distracted elsewhere).
3) If an individual takes damage, bounce Nourish/Healing Touch back and forth from tank 2 individual, or if Omen of Clarity is up, use a mana free Healing Touch or Regrowth + swiftmend its HoT (also providing small heals to any minor damage on others. Throw Wild growth out if 2+ take some mild damage(tank will also get a heal of course), and gradually to up their health.
4) “Oh shit, Party damage!” = When damage is beyond that of the Swiftmends Effloresances effect and Wild growth alone, trigger your Tree of Life and throw a Lifebloom on all those damaged/taking damage, even stack more than once if despired and all damaged have 1 stack of lifebloom. Instand regrowth are optional, but a real mana eater.
5) Restoration Shaman:
Earth Shield should be kept up on the tank at all times and refreshed once all charges used. Not only does this heal your tank, but it also improves healing on Earth Shielded targets with direct heals.
Riptide is an instant heal followed by HoT and is a useful and fun spell to throw around to get the Tidal waves buff which reduces the cast time of Healing wave and Greater healing wave, twice. Try and Riptide before casting a heal.
Chain Heal spamming is a thing of the past as the spell is expensive and will not keep a tank alive on its own, and should be deployed during times where some of the party/raid take damage, or during raid wide damage. It triggers Tidal waves, but should not be used simply just to gain that buff. For maximum healing bounce off a Riptide HoT, but try not waste a recently applied Riptide.
Healing Rain is the best of the healing patches able to be placed on the ground by and healer and will often top your healing done due to its ability to be used quickly, large aoe, short duration and no real CD, enabling its almost constant use (although this will kill your mana pool).
Nature’s Swiftness can be a life saver 2min CD, allowing you to make a Greater Healing Wave instant. At the very least, macro this to that spell, it can save tanks.
Water Shield is another source of mana regen and should be refreshed every time it drops.
Mana Tide Totem is your imba 3min CD mana comebac
Intellect > Spirit (until comfortable with regen) > Haste > Crit > Mastery (Reforge it pronto into Spirit/Haste).
Prime = Earth Shield, Riptide and Earthliving weapon. Water Shield is also an option if you struggle with regen.
Major = Chain Heal and Healing Stream Totem are a must. Totemic Recall and Healing Wave are both good options, but I would go with the totems mana save as healing wave is not something u’ll be using a lot when everyone (including yourself) takes damage...but is perhaps more useful in dungeons.
Minor = Renewed Life and any others are fine.
Talents – Must haves:
Enhancement: Elemental Weapons, Improved Shields.
Restortation: Tidal Focus, Spark of Life, Impr.Water Shield, Totemic Focus, Ancestral Healing, Nature’s Blessing, Soothing rains, Impr.Cleanse Spirit, Ancestral Awakening, Mana Tide Totem, Tidal waves, Blessing of the Eternals, Riptide.
Talents – Optional:
• Acuity (Elemental): 3% crit bonus is nice, but it does cost 3 points.
• Ancestral Swiftness (Enhancement): An instant, speedier Ghost Wolf, will not help your healing much, but may be useful in moments where u must avoid/kite.
• Totemic Reach (Enhancement): It is rare (particularly in BWD raid with its small rooms) that totems will go out of range, but may be useful in dungeons and certain wide area boss fights.
• Ancestral Resolve: The days of constant raid damage are in the past, thus a means to reduce knockback while casting is not as desirable as it first appears, and has limited effect on your healing.
• Focused Insight: If you think you have time and mana to shock, then this may be useful (I just don’t know, truth be told).
• Natures Swiftness: An instant cast, particularly because of the cat time of your big heals, is very desirable and only 1 point.
• Cleansing Waters: Reduces mana cost of dispelling and provides a heal, is very handy indeed, since you will dispel a lot, 1 or 2 points in this is very desirable.
• Telluric Currents: Lightning Bolt restores mana, which is interesting, but you will not always hit, but is certainly an interesting option to play with.
Basics (Dungeon):
1) Earth Shield on the tank just before the pull, and place Totems if possible, followed by Riptide just after the pull and during early stages of a pull/bosses to help keep ahead of the damage.
2) Healing wave “spam” the Tank, with Riptide on CD (to help get Tidal waves as much as possible) Greater Healing Wave on tank if damage starts to get ahead of Healing wave.
3) Refresh Earth Shield once all charges spent.
4) If an individual takes damage, throw a Riptide on them or bounce Healing wave/Greater healing Wave back and forth from tank 2 individual.
5) “Oh shit, Party damage!” = Healing Rain + Chain Heal 3-4 of the party to 90%ish health (totem will do rest) and Single target heal the last 1 or 2 on lower health up – Avoid too much Chain heal spamming.
6) Holy Paladin:
Holy Shock is an instant cast heal with a short CD that grants “Holy Power” which is required to unlock two of the special heals of a Holy paladin; Word of Glory and Light of the Dawn. Most important to note is that this can stack up to three times (watch the bar under your Pali’s mana bar in the top left corner), and lasts 10 seconds before you risk dropping your stacks, so Holy Shock regularly.
Holy Shock can even be cast without triggering a CD if get the “daybreak” proc from casting Holy Light, Divine Light (and Flash of Light). Holy Shock is a cheaper heal than Holy Light, but heals for less.
Judgement provides a small self heal and increases your haste by 9%, and with the Seal of Insight you also regain mana, for 1min, and thus should be refreshed every minute, or during healing downtime.
Beacon of Light now has a huge 5min duration and those beaconed get 50% of any heal placed on other raid/party members. Also, healing a Beaconed target with preferably Divine Light (or Flash of Light) will grant “Holy Power”. Keep Beacon on the Tank at all times in dungeons, in raids you may be asked to beacon one tank while healing another tank.
Word of Glory requires “Holy Power” to use and is an instant, single-target heal, that is mana free! It is particularly handy on those below 35% health with the “last Word” talent, having increased effect.
Light of the Dawn requires “Holy Power” to use and is the 1st go2 in a raid/party damage situation, enabling you to top up the group quite steadily and efficiently. It is instant, mana free, but just remember that it is a frontal cone, and not an aoe like some other instant “smart” heals.
Holy Radiance is your 2nd go2 raid heal and in many respects is similar to the patch heals many other healers can put down. The only difference is that this emanates from you for 10seconds and is fairly cheap. The spell has a 30sec CD however, and diminishes beyond a 8 yard range (20 yards max range), but is perfect for fights where u must stack up.
Avenging Wrath is a 3min CD (2mins if talented) healing boost that lasts 20 seconds and should be kept on CD as much as possible whenever high damage is occurs.
Divine Favor is another 3min CD that increases casting speed and crit chance for 20second and should be kept on CD as much as possible – and can be combined with Avenging Wrath to maximise its healing boost.
Guardian of Ancient King’s is a 5min CD “oh Shit!”
Lay on Hand’s is 10min CD “Oh Shit!”
Sacred Cleansing is a 1-point talent that enables you to remove magic effects and is a must have, it is often cheaper on your mana to dispel DoT’s than try and heal through them (this isn’t wrath).
Divine Plea is your mana regen 2min CD that should be used between pulls and moments in fights where damage is minimum as it reduces your healing by half for its short duration of 9 seconds.
Divine Shield or “Bubble” is your personal defense and allows you to keep healing even on a bad pull by the tank...but im sure all the “bubbles” are well-known by paladins, nuff said
Intellect > Spirit (until comfortable with regen) > Haste > Crit/Mastery (Reforge into Spirit/Haste).
Prime = Word of Glory, Seal of Insight and Divine Favor are all must haves.
Major =Light of the Dawn is a must have. Beacon of Light, Divine Plea, Lay on Hands and Divinity are all good choices. Personally I believe Beacon to be pretty cheap and has a long duration, so a mana saving glyph I would pass on. My personal gut feeling is to go with Divine Plea and Divinity for awesome mana regen.
Minor = Personal Choice, but mana savers like Insight and Kings glyph can be helpful in rebuffing.
Talents – Must Haves:
Holy: Protector of the Innocent, Judgements of the Pure, Clarity of Purpose, Last Word, Divine Favor, Infusion of Light, Daybreak, Beacon of Light, Speed of Light, Sacred Cleansing, Conviction, Tower of Radiance, Blessed Life, Light of Dawn.
Protection: Divinity, Eternal Glory.
Talents – Optional:
• Protector of the Innocent: Gives you a heal when you heal others is a very nice choice, and you should probably put at least 2 out of a possible 3 points in this, but i wouldn’t max.this out.
• Enlightened Judgements: converts spirit in2 hit so your judgement should auto hit with 2 point, increases range and does a heal, which all makes a very strong choice and I would probably get.
• Aura mastery: totally unsure about this, but could be very useful if you can time this correctly.
• Paragon of Virtue: Reduced some of your CD’s, with Avenging Wrath down to a 2min CD (with 2 points) of particular note.
• Crusade (retribution): upto a 30% bonus to the heal of Holy Shock, a spell you will keep on CD, is a very strong choice.
• Impr. Judgement (retribution): An additional range boost, this is very optional if you get Enlightened Judgements.
Basics (Dungeon):
1) Beacon of Light on the tank just before the pull, followed by Holy Shock (+1 Holy Power) just after the pull and during early stages of a pull. Optionally, you can Holy Shock before the a few seconds before the pull to get 1 Holy Power already available.
2) Holy Light “spam” the Tank, with Divine Light (+1 Holy Power) on tank if damage starts to get ahead of Healing wave. Word of Glory is an optional heal to use, and in a real emergency use Guardian of Ancient King’s or Lay on Hands on Tank (or yourself).
3) Keep Holy Shock on CD, refresh your Judgement on tank target and refresh Beacon.
4) If an individual takes damage, throw a Holy Shock on them if off CD, or bounce Holy Light/Divine Light back and forth from tank 2 individual. Throw Light of the Dawn out if 2+ take some mild damage(tank will also get a heal of course), and gradually to up their health.
5) “Oh shit, Party damage!” = Blow a CD like Avenging Wrath or Divine Favor, cast Holy Radiance followed by Light of the Dawn (if have Holy Power), steadily single target heal the rest up, bouncing back and forth from tank to individual(s).
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