Ello Pinkies, had some downtime, got bored, decided to attempt the ludicrous notion of making a healing guide for ALL classes (Yowzers!). The idea came from a number of reasons, but mainly because we either have peeps trying healing for the first time, or some “oldis” coming back and yelling “WTF happened to my mana!”
At the very least, it’s a place to swap ideas, theory craft, /ignore, or call me a noob (yea, i no that’s coming). I will attempt to keep it short, but will inevitable sometimes vague, as healing is a lot (i feel) about personal feel and taste, yet the basics are here.
This is a constant work-in-progress, and guide only, hopefully something will be learned from this, but sooner or later you are just going have to go out there and get your hand dirty healing!
1) ALL Healers (...and in order of my strength of knowledge...)
2) Holy Priest
3) Discipline Priest
4) Restoration Druid
5) Restoration Shaman
6) Holy Paladin