Just collected info

So - this is where I keep stuff on interest to me. Once central location for interesting articles relating to healing and the Paladin.

Its all copied - none of it mine and the purpose is a quick and dirty location for all info I have found on the net that I would like to use to improve healing

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Paladin Aura Exports (Mostly Holy)

Smacker Lights Up

Gatherer Basic Help

Quick Menu

Allows fast access to basic display filters (minimap, world map, herbs, ores and treasures) as well as access to the statistic dialogs (see help pages on Report and Search). 

Clicking on the menu title will bring up the configuration dialog. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Holy Paladin Raiding Spec - Cataclysm


Light of Dawn vs Word of Glory

For 25 man, 99% of the time, you are better off using LoD because you can almost always hit 6 players/pets with it and at full effectiveness, it beacons more back to the tank than a WoG would. 

WoW Jewelcrafting Guide 1 -525

Jewelcrafting skill up from 1 to 525. Updated for WoW patch 4.0.6. Powerleveling your Jewelcrafting won't be cheap. Make sure you have enough gold, even if you have Mining. The best thing you can do is to try to sell the items you make, just put them on the Auction House. A lot of level 85 players are willing to buy low level items for their alt, if you can't sell something just disenchant it, and sell the shards/dust.

WoW Alchemy Guide 1 - 525

This WoW Alchemy guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Alchemy skill up from 1 to 525 as inexpensively as possible. Updated for WoW patch 4.0.6. Obviously, Alchemy is the best combined with Herbalism, with these two professions you can save a lot of gold and you can sell the potions/elixirs at the Auction House. Make sure you have enough gold to buy herbs if you don't have Herbalism, because you will need a lot of them.

Monday, February 21, 2011

[Holy]Cataclysm Holy Compendium (4.0.6) - from EJ

I am attempting to make sure everything in this post is confirmed, and that speculation is left to the discussion that will follow. Current as of 4.0.6, but as always I may have missed something, so please use diligence.


I would currently recommend 31/3/3 as a base spec, with 4 points left to put where you feel it most useful.
Possible options:
  • Enlightened Judgments - Transfers to beacon, helps offset judging for mana
  • Eternal Glory - Usefulness depends on WoG usage, devalued currently by LoD
  • Blessed Life - Can generate free HP under certain situations
  • Last Word - Also devalued by LoD
  • Improved Judgment - Extra range can be nice for flexibility
  • Pursuit of Justice - Larger run speed bonus, minor Holy Power gains

Holy Paladin Best in Slot - BIS list for Cata - Pre Heroic Raid Wish list

Wyrmbreaker's Amulet

Burden of MortalityBlackwing Descent 10 or 25

Drape of the TwinsBastion of Twilight 10 or 25

Breastplate of Avenging FlameBlackwing Descent 10 or 25


Shackles of the End of DaysBastion of Twilight 10 or 25


Legguards of the Emerald BroodBastion of Twilight 10 or 25


Life Force ChargersBlackwing Descent 10 or 25


Planetary Band of the UndertowThrone of the Four Winds 10 or 25
Twined Band of FlowersVendor 10 or 25
Security Measure AlphaBlackwing Descent 10 or 25

Fall of MortalityBastion of Twilight 10 or 25

Stormwake the Tempest's Reach of the UndertowThrone of the Four Winds 10 or 25
Andoros, Fist of the Dragon KingBlackwing Descent 10 or 25


Elementium StormshieldCrafted


Relic of EonarVendor 10 or 25

Holy Paladin - gear Wish list Pre - Heroic Raid in Cata - Head and Neck

Glaciated Helm

Binds when picked up
+190 Intellect
+286 Stamina
+127 Spirit
Requires Level 85
Item Level 359
Equip: Improves critical strike rating by 127.
Cannot be disenchanted
Sell Price: 5 34 34

Binds when picked up
2784 Armor
+281 Intellect
+512 Stamina
+218 Spirit
Durability 100 / 100
Requires Level 85
Item Level 359
Equip: Improves haste rating by 178.
Cannot be disenchanted
Sell Price: 18 77 85

Holy Paladin Best in Slot - BIS list for Cata

Head (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Glaciated Helm
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Ascendant Council)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Reinforced Sapphirium Headguard
Vendor 10 or 25 (Heroic Conqueror Token)

Hands (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Flash Freeze Gauntlets
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Maloriak)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Reinforced Sapphirium Gloves
Vendor 10 or 25 (Heroic Conqueror Token)

Neck (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Wyrmbreaker's Amulet
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Halfus Wyrmbreaker)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Valiona's Medallion
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Theralion and Valiona)

Waist (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Tempest Keeper Belt of the Undertow
Throne of the Four Winds 10 or 25 (Conclave of Wind)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Corehammer's Riveted Girdle
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Trash Drop)

Shoulder (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Burden of Mortality
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Chimaeron)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Reinforced Sapphirium Mantle
Vendor 10 or 25 (Heroic Conqueror Token)

Legs (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Legguards of the Emerald Brood
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Halfus Wyrmbreaker)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Reinforced Sapphirium Greaves
Vendor 10 or 25 (Heroic Conqueror Token)

Back (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Drape of the Twins
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Theralion and Valiona)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Shroud of Endless Grief
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Lady Sinestra)

Feet (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Life Force Chargers
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Omnitron Defense System)


Available on live servers Life Force Chargers
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Omnitron Defense System)

Chest (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Breastplate of Avenging Flame
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Magmaw)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Reinforced Sapphirium Breastplate
Vendor 10 or 25 (Heroic Conqueror Token)

Rings (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Planetary Band of the Undertow
Throne of the Four Winds 10 or 25 (Conclave of Wind)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Security Measure Alpha
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Omnitron Defense System)

Wrist (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Bindings of Bleak Betrayal
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Lady Sinestra)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Shackles of the End of Days
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Cho'gall)

Trinkets (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Shard of Woe
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Lady Sinestra)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Fall of Mortality
Bastion of Twilight 10 or 25 (Cho'gall)

Weapon (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Stormwake the Tempest's Reach of the Undertow
Throne of the Four Winds 10 or 25 (Al'akir)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Andoros, Fist of the Dragon King
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Nefarian)

Shield (View all items)

Hard mode only Available on live servers Kingdom's Heart
Blackwing Descent 10 or 25 (Atramedes)


Available on live servers Elementium Stormshield
Crafted (Blacksmithing)

Relic (View all items)

Available on live servers Relic of Eonar
Vendor 10 or 25 (700 Valor Points)


Hard mode only Available on live servers Captured Lightning
Vortex Pinnacle 5 (Asaad)
Hard mode only = Hard mode only | Available on live servers = Available on live | Available on live servers = Not available on live